Representation of space in pre-cinema moving image devices

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Pre-cinema, Moving image devices, Space, Representation


The aim of this research is to establish a dialogue between moving image devices, considered as precursors of cinema, and the representation of space in order to evaluate the physical orientations of inventors who transformed their spatial searches into cinematic organisation. This study examines the experimental environment created by cinema art for space through moving image devices. It is focused on two research questions: ‘The integration of space representation in pre-cinema moving image devices’ and ‘The effect of space representation on visual narrative in pre-cinema moving image devices’. The study employed a qualitative research design and the literature review method to answer the research questions. The research data was analysed using descriptive content analysis. Based on the analysis, it can be inferred that pre-cinema moving image devices invented between 1558-1834 utilised figurative representations in visual narratives. The representation of space was first introduced in the visual narratives of the Stereoscope, invented by Wheatstone in 1838. Moving image devices invented between 1880-1895 established a strong relationship with the representation of space. However, the fact that the research was collected from fourteen different moving image devices invented in 1558 and later is considered to be one of the major methodological limitations of this study. The limited sample size weakens the possibility of generalising the findings and negatively affects the external validity of the research. In order to overcome the problem of low external validity and to ensure that the data obtained from the study can represent the study population, it is recommended that new studies be planned that include different pre-cinema moving image devices.


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How to Cite

Türkmen, A. (2024). Representation of space in pre-cinema moving image devices. JOURNAL OF ARTS, 7(3), 109–124.



Research Article