The role of digitalization in today’s art: A perspective from NFT and artificial intelligence

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Art, Digitalization, New media, NFT, Artificial intelligence


Digital technologies have increased our ability to process images. Artists in the past had fewer tools at their disposal to create their artworks. There is a revolution in art today thanks to development of computer technologies. Activities of artists using new technological tools that emerge with digitalization can be defined as digital art. All branches of art where art and technology combine are within the scope of digital art. The main difference between traditional art and digital art is the medium where the artwork is created. In traditional art, a musician uses a musical instrument to display his work, or a painter produces his work with canvas and brush. In digital art, this occurs using technological devices. Many applications, from digital graphic arrangements to video installations, from virtual realities to artificial intelligence applications, fall within the scope of digital art.

This article's goals are to investigate how technology has affected art throughout history and to look at how digital art is created and sold. In this article, the impact of artificial intelligence on today's art and artists will be examined. NFTs, another controversial artwork of today, will be focused on and information will be given about the variants of these new technologies in today's art. Literature review and compilation were chosen as the method. According to the findings, artists who closely follow technological developments are the pioneers of the digitalization and dissemination of art. With the evolution of artificial intelligence from its first applications to the present day, artificial intelligence has now turned into a productive tool that can produce works that have never existed before, beyond being just an algorithm. In addition, it has been observed that, thanks to NFTs, digital art can escape the authority of art institutions, create its own autonomous space in a decentralized environment, and present itself as a digital asset open to everyone.


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Author Biographies

Kerem Düzenli, Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi / Türkiye

Kerem DÜZENLİ is a Turkish architect and software developer born in 1997. After graduating with honors from the Department of Architecture at Gebze Technical University, he decided to transition to the field of computer technologies, an area he has been passionate about for a long time.

Following his successes in architecture, he was accepted into the Computer-Aided Art and Design master's program at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University. During his master's studies, he explored his interest in coding and gained experience in various projects using Python, Golang, and C#. Throughout his master's education, he worked on numerous algorithms, designed application interfaces, and developed some computer games.

During his master's program, he focused on topics such as digitization and the impact of new technologies on art. He conducted research on blockchain, NFTs, the Metaverse, and artificial intelligence. He wrote articles on various subjects, including the impact of technology on design and art practice, the role of blockchain and cryptocurrencies in the emergence of NFTs, potential returns for artists, the digitization of art, the effects of artificial intelligence, and the impact of the Metaverse and NFTs on architecture.

Utilizing his curiosity in statistics, he conducted studies measuring the perspectives of architects in Turkey on the concept of the Metaverse. With his interest in coding and cryptocurrencies, he worked as a software developer in the fintech sector. He continues his studies on the effects of technology on human life and its reflections in the field of art.

Nazım Ziya Perdahçı, Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi / Türkiye

Nazım Ziya Perdahcı serves as a faculty member in the Department of Informatics at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University. Perdahcı holds the title of Associate Professor in the Department of Management Information Systems. He obtained his doctoral degree in Physics from Boğaziçi University in 2002. Before joining Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Perdahcı worked as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Technologies at IŞIK University.

He has contributed to over twenty-five scientific works published as scientific articles, book chapters, and conference papers. Additionally, he holds two patents. He can be reached at


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How to Cite

Düzenli, K., & Perdahçı, N. Z. (2024). The role of digitalization in today’s art: A perspective from NFT and artificial intelligence. JOURNAL OF ARTS, 7(1), 43–59.



Research Article