Carpet samples in Nigde Museum exhibition hall and storage
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Niğde, Carpet, Color , Pattern, MuseumAbstract
Carpet art emerged at the end of humanity’s need and it is understood from the examples produced throughout
history that humanity has experienced changes according to the periods in which it lived. It is not known that the
history of carpet art is quite old and it is not possible to specify the exact date of its beginning, and it is thought that it has been made since the time of mankind. Patterns and color compositions used in carpet art provide information about the period, region and general characteristics of the woven products. Classifying the weaving art in groups such as carpets, rugs and textiles provides convenience in the examination of the samples obtained. Carpet weaving in and around Niğde province dates back to ancient times. There is no document showing the exact date of the beginning of the carpets of the Niğde region. However, it is known that carpet art has a deep and
rich history. The weavings thought to have been woven in and around Niğde are preserved in the exhibition hall
and special compartments in the warehouse of the Niğde Museum today. These carpet samples preserved in the
museum show that the carpet art in the Niğde region dates back to ancient times. Carpets preserved in the museum
are important as historical documents. With this study, the color and pattern compositions of 20 carpet samples in the Niğde museum were examined by making image, recording and inventory examinations. It is aimed to examine the carpet samples and to bring them to the literature as a written source.
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