Synesthesia and creativity in art education

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Synesthesia, Art Education, Cross-Modal Interaction, Multisensory Perception, Neuroscience


Synesthesia is a conscious experience of sensory qualities caused by certain mental events that occur in addition to  the sensations normally experienced by most people during everyday events. Synesthesia affects many people in terms of new artistic expression, style forms, potentials, especially by integrating some sensory moods. The theoretical and conceptual integration of the phenomenon from today’s framework into fine arts education is important in terms of the actuality and integrity of art education. The phenomenon of synesthesia, which is associated with the concept of creativity, has a close meaning that increases creativity as it is the inspiration and inspired factor in artistic creation processes in every culture. In addition, by providing unique and unlimited sensory and emotional experiences to art education students, it can stimulate creativity, inspire imagination, and also increase the interaction between the student and the artistic product. Therefore, synesthesia has had a significant impact on creativity. Little attention is paid to the sensory in the development of students in schools, with the phenomenon of synesthesia not being recognized and understood in the arts education literature. Students abilities to know the world not only through words and numbers, but also through synesthetic experiences and their own senses are not well developed in schools. In order to make sense of the concept, we must first have knowledge about it. Therefore, re-development of sensory skills by making sense will be beneficial for students. Thus, they will have more opportunities to protect and improve their synesthetic experiences. In this sense, the aim of the research is to comprehend and make sense of the phenomenon of synesthesia and to develop a critical perspective by examining its connection with the concepts of creativity and art education.


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How to Cite

Göktepeliler, Ömür, & Aksoy, Şeniz . (2022). Synesthesia and creativity in art education. JOURNAL OF ARTS, 5(1), 9–19.



Research Article