Modern art museum “Garage”

Modern, Soviet, Architecture, Garaje, ArtsAbstract
With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1990, various changes and transformations were made in the spatial structuring of many important architectural structures built during the rise of Modern Soviet Architecture (1920-1930). Especially in the 2000s, besides the threat of neglect, the danger of collapse has also emerged. About 400-500 historical buildings have been sacrificed to serve Russia's emerging markets. In these years, the "Moscow Architecture Protection Council" was established and these works were tried to be protected. Contemporary art centers have been opened one after another since 2000 to protect the prestige of modern culture and art, to enable the public to meet local and foreign modern art, and to support local artists. Contemporary Culture Center/Modern Art Museum "Garaje", which was opened with great enthusiasm in 2008, is an important center that organizes comprehensive exhibitions and artistic acts consisting of works by internationally renowned Russian artists as well as foreign contemporary artists.
In this study; The architectural structure, historical features of the Contemporary Cultural Center "Garaje", formerly "Bakhmetyevsky Garage", and the formation process of the Museum, its activities, etc. Readers will be informed about it.
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