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Marilyn Levine, Hyperrealism, SculptureAbstract
Marilyn Levine is a Canadian American ceramic artist who lived between 1935-2005. Completing her bachelor's and masters degrees in chemistry and working as a teacher for a while, she took lectures of drawing, ceramic, painting and history of art in the Saskatchewan University, and after completing her MS degree in the University of California in the deparment of sculpture she got appointed to Utah University, the depertment of sculpture as an instructor.
Levine, who participated in the Ceramic Funk Art Movement in the late 60s, by deploying the illusion technique produced leather-looking ceramic scupltures that appeared in the 'Sharp-Focus Realism' exhibition that took place in in 1971 in the Sidney Janis Gallery in New York, and with that she managed to be one in the very first three names of American Hyperrealist Sculpture together with John De Andrea and Duane Hunson. In our article, the siginifance and place of Marilyn Levine in Hyperrealism will be touched on with a look at her life and art.
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