Environment, Environmental Art, CeramicAbstract
Within the scope of Environmental Art of which first samples were put out in 1960s, projects have been produced in many venues that can be defined as ‘the whole environment we can think of around us’ like nature, galleries, gardens, sea, river… The purpose is to warn the society dramatically which is getting insensitive to nature day by day and to make people see, think and redirect to nature. Works produced or performances have reached the audience through photographs, video recordings, sketches and posters. Many projects have served this purpose in the right way and environmentally safely, sensitive artworks have been put out. But it is also possible to see examples contradicting their starting point and being the problem themselves while trying to raise awareness about environmental problems. These negative examples prepared the grounds for different approaches and trends coming after them.
Within the scope of this study, some of ceramic applications approach to environmental done under the upper title of Environmental Art will be studied considering the artist, the material, method and the message it conveys.
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