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The human brain often prefers to operate at an unconscious level rather than at the conscious level. Thus, it can perform many different jobs more accurately and faster by saving energy. Although the operation of our brain at the subconscious level is considered as a natural process, it is of great importance to activate the conscious mind against the formations that manipulate people by taking advantage of this structure of the system. In this direction, the research emphasizes that the errors, deformations and malfunctions that will be created by the glitch technique applied consciously on virtual images can create a perceptual breaking moment that can save the mind from subconscious effects. Digital manipulation emerges with its structure that changes cultural values, dulls the use of consciousness and is oriented towards perception operation. Especially in the age of digital culture, the dominance of the virtual provides the necessary ground for perception orientations. Today's techno-cultural society, in which the line between virtual and real gets thinner, exhibits a conformist approach under hegemonic ideologies. In this study, which investigates the conscious perception of the effects that direct us without being aware of it, it is aimed to draw attention to the existence of unconscious manipulation and the importance of questioning in order not to adopt a conformist structure.


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