Katılımcı Yöntemle Esenyurt’un Bugünü ve Geleceğinin Analizi: Sorunlar, Hedefler ve Stratejiler

Participatory method analysis of Esenyurt's present and future: Issues, goals, and strategies

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Based on data obtained through participatory processes and brain storming method, this study presents a framework on the current challenges faced by Istanbul's Esenyurt district and how it can realize its potential under the "New Municipalism Approach". The research examines various social, economic, and cultural challenges encountered by Esenyurt, including migration and refugee issues, increasing rates of youth crime, economic difficulties, inequalities in education, urban poverty, and the unfair distribution of social aids. The study advocates for concrete steps to overcome these issues by defining the district as the "City of Democracies Esenyurt", promoting social justice, ecological sustainability, and cultural diversity. It emphasizes the necessity of strong collaboration and dialogue between local governments, civil society, the private sector, and citizens to achieve a sustainable development model for Esenyurt. This approach aims to support the socio-economic and cultural advancement of the district

Keywords: Local Governance, Sustainable Development, Migration, Economic Challenges


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How to Cite

AKDEMİR, A., DEMİRKAYA, H., TÜFEKÇİOĞLU, H., KAYA, M., AKSOY, Y., Yıldız, B., ÖZTÜRK, H., & BARAN, B. (2024). Katılımcı Yöntemle Esenyurt’un Bugünü ve Geleceğinin Analizi: Sorunlar, Hedefler ve Stratejiler : Participatory method analysis of Esenyurt’s present and future: Issues, goals, and strategies. JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT OF ORGANISATIONS, 1(01), 15–25. Retrieved from https://journals.gen.tr/index.php/oyd/article/view/2404


