Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

JQTAIR (Journal of Quantum Technologies and Informatics Research) is firmly committed to high ethical standards in the dissemination of scientific research. Our journal adopts the following ethical principles and publication policy:

  1. Integrity: Authors must present original work, properly cite others' work, and avoid engaging in fraudulent or improper conduct.
  2. Transparency: The publication process is designed to ensure impartial and fair review. Authors must clearly outline the methods used in their work.
  3. Confidentiality: Reviewers and editors must preserve the confidentiality of submitted articles.
  4. Conflict of Interest: Authors, reviewers, and editors must openly declare any conflicts of interest.
  5. Authorship Rights: Authorship should be granted to those who have made a significant intellectual contribution.
  6. Permissions: Necessary permissions must be obtained from all relevant parties.
  7. Retraction and Correction Policy: Articles containing misleading or incorrect information should be corrected or retracted.

Principles to be Adhered to by Authors Journal authors are expected to adhere to the following principles:

Article Scope: Authors are obligated to present the scope, results, and significance of the study accurately and impartially. Submitted articles must conform to the journal's field and originality criteria and must be properly referenced.

Data Access and Retention: Authors should retain raw data so that they can provide them for review if requested by the journal.

Originality and Plagiarism: Authors should submit only original works and must quote appropriately. Plagiarism is unacceptable, and a similarity rate report is required.

Multiple, Redundant, Concurrent, or Simultaneous Submission/Publication: Concurrent submissions are considered unethical behavior.

Authorship of the Paper: Only individuals who have made significant contributions should be named as authors. Blind peer review is fundamental for articles authored by editorial board members.

Declaration and Conflict of Interests: Authors must clearly declare conflicts of interest and sources of financial support.

Participation in the Peer Review Process: Authors are obligated to fully participate in the evaluation process and provide necessary documents and permissions.

Fundamental Errors in Published Works: Authors should collaborate with editors immediately for correction or retraction procedures if they notice significant inaccuracies in published works. If significant errors are identified, editors or the publisher can take the necessary steps to remove or correct the article.