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Spatial Plan, Istanbul Metropolis, Administrative Judicial SupervisionAbstract
In the Istanbul metropolitan city, there are deficiencies in the providing of urban services depending on the immigration population received with the effect of globalization. In our country, the efforts to put the urbanization process under a plan discipline were found to be equivalent in the legislation within the framework of the Zoning Law no.6785, an important factor directing the interaction between the zoning legislation and the production process of the space was the administrative judicial decisions. The conflicts created by the irregular and uncontrolled urbanization process in the space have been tried to be solved by administrative judicial decisions. In this paper, the difficulties encountered in the judicial supervision of spatial plans will be discussed through examples. A comparative examination and evaluation of the zoning plans for the protection of Beyoğlu, Perşembe Pazarı and Okmeydani, which are the subject of the judicial review in the Beyoğlu District of İstanbul in the last period, will be made on the basis of planning principles, urbanism principles and plan construction methods and techniques. The impact of judicial supervision on the spatial plan process provides important awareness for planners as well as for decision makers.
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