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Ethics, News, Hidden Camera, Public Interest, JournalismAbstract
News, which has an important place in daily life, is an indispensable element for the members of society. It is not possible to live unannounced and one of the fundamental rights of people is to receive news. The profession of journalism has moral values and framework as in every profession. Journalists, especially journalists, are criticized for their working methods. Confidential filming is one of the leading methods of discussion in terms of ethics and law.
The aim of the study Some journalists and programmers engaged in “Investigative Journalism” are criticized in terms of news gathering methods. These criticisms will be investigated within the framework of ethical values. The importance of the study will be tried to reveal the rightful and unjust sides of the criticisms brought to the journalists with an objective point of view. In this article, literature search, Channel D “Arena arşiv archive archive search and interview were preferred. The universe and limitations of the study are framed by using hidden camera and haber Arena ”program. Secret programs for magazine programs or personal interests are excluded from our study. As a result, professional journalists have been criticized as methods of working in every news that they consider the public interest, but are often rewarded.
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METİN, F. Erişim Tarihi: 3.8.2019
URL 1,, Erişim Tarihi; 5.8.2019
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