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  • şule olgun T.C. İzmir Kavram Meslek Yüksekokulu



Surgical smoke, prevention, employee awareness


The use of electrocautery for the purpose of hemostasis, excision and dissection, the use of high-speed drills, the use of saws, laser processing and the high heat released during the use of ultrasonic instruments; It causes protein and other organic materials to burn and thermal necrosis in cells in surrounding tissues. As a result of the decomposition and evaporation of fat and protein in the tissues, surgical smoke is released.

In the guidelines developed by many international health institutions, it is necessary to raise awareness of the risks of exposure to surgical smoke, in particular, to try to minimize the formation of smoke, to use appropriate protective equipment and smoke evacuation systems for smoke protection and to ensure that personnel training is required. It is thought that trainings should be given to increase the awareness of the operating room personnel in the prevention of surgical smoke, determination of hospital protocols and written instructions, repetition of the trainings given at regular intervals, and further research on surgical smoke should be increased.

The purpose of this review; The aim of this course is to compile and present the literature information about surgical smoke, precautions taken and employee awareness to our esteemed readers.


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