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The brand is a unique personality that identifies a product, service or person. Therefore, with the 21st century, brands are no longer differentiated not only by service and quality but also by visual and communication strategies. At this point, brands are making intense efforts to identify strategies that will differentiate them from their products and services to the products they use, in the colors they use, in the colors they use, in the markets they choose, in the colors they use, and also in the visual sense to identify strategies that will create the perception they want in consumers. This implies the importance of logo and typography concepts. Fonts are aesthetically pleasing, but functional. When the correct font is used in the right place, it differentiates the brand in the consumer eye.
Typography is one of the most powerful tools of communication that entered our lexicon in 1450s. From the early days of its emergence to the present, it has undergone many changes by passing through the lane roads. With the technological changes that come with the phenomenon of globalization, culture has influenced the change and development of typography. Typography is the written form of the message which is intended to be given to the consumer. It is one of the preferred ways to attract consumer interest about a product and to create a need for product / service on a continuous basis. Our study called ır How Does Typographic Logos Create a Brand Perception on Consumers? Üzerinde is composed of three parts. These sections; Ir Writing and Typography ve, de Consumer Approach / Brand Perception ısı, and Marka Experiment and Interpretation Marka in the last chapter. As a result of this study, 25 students from Selcuk University were selected and typographic logos belonging to three different product categories were shown and these variables added value to the brand in the eyes of consumers in terms of brand perception variables (reliability, product category, durability, cheap / expensive) created by consumers. tried to be questioned through experiment.
Key Words: Typography, brand perception, writing, communication
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