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Conflict, husband and wife relationships, interaction, intergenerational conflicts, role conflicts.Abstract
Family has a specific role in social structure of society as a great social discovery of humanity. As a kind of social unity, family consisting of married couple and their children performs the functions of vital importance and it is a source of physical and moral psychological health of human. Intra-family relations, with being a main factor that originated psychological climate of family, have an important role in lifestyle and cultural standards of family. However, a family life is not completely comfort. It is a source of happiness, as well as a source of psychological trauma. Scientific researches prove that, 80-85 percent of families have been encountered conflicts in this or another way. As many other conflicts, family conflicts may be constructive and destructive too. Destructive conflicts impair spiritual foundations of family and lead to intensifying intra-family contradictions, domestic violence and in most cases, divorces. To control conflicting situation, to attain a constructive solve of collusions, family members must have a particular abilities.
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