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Key words: stylistics, rhetoric, communication, style, written expressivenessAbstract
Generally speaking there are two basic considerations related to the definitions given to the word style.
Firstly, the term style is used as an evaluation indicator, thus it is commonly used in syntagmatic relations such as; explicit style, fluent style, energetic style, plethoric style, dynamic style etc. Based on different and abundant uses of this word, sometimes there is a call for a perfect replacement with the word rhetoric.
Secondly, the style is always regarded as a reflection of an author’s individuality and the term rhetoric is associated with the concept ethos, revealing the author’s character.
Stylistics analyses human language as namely related to communication, individual and social requirements, its actual functional usage, practical and vivid more than an abstraction. It also exploits language usage as a second organization construction. While rhetoric provides necessary and obligatory devices for approach which would indispensably generate qualitative literary works, contemporary stylistics aims at describing relevant devices and approaches of linguistics expression which are considered as necessary properties for specific works. Both rhetoric and stylistics, using language properties as fundamental code, contribute at shaping effective communication giving individual nuances and stylistic values. The aim of this paper is to analyze issues related to strategy, style, written expressiveness, ambiguity, as well as to display the similarities and differences between these linguistics disciplines.
Key words: stylistics, rhetoric, communication, style, written expressiveness
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