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Emission, Carbon footprint, Travel routes, Tourist transport, ÇanakkaleAbstract
The vehicles used by tourists during their travels contribute significantly to the fossil fuel emission rates of tourism destinations. Canakkale destination's tourism has grown exponentially in recent years with various incentives and promotion initiatives. When tourism-related emissions are reduced in developing destinations, the carbon footprint of tourism, in general, can be reduced. The carbon footprint is the largest component of the total ecological footprint on a global scale. In order to better understand the carbon footprint, this study tried to determine the situation related to one of the developing destinations. Also, the study contributes to the knowledge about carbon footprints of tourists in the literature. The results indicated a significant increase in carbon emissions due to the inadequacy of the public transport system, although there had been a certain amount of contraction in terms of the time spent by the traveling tourists in Çanakkale. In particular, the travel of tourists with their own vehicles increases the carbon emission rate. Furthermore, it is seen that tourists do not consider Çanakkale destination within the scope of environmental concerns or climate change policies.
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