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  • Aslı AKSOY Yıldız Teknik University/TURKEY




dekontaminasyon, dezenfektan, patojen, tavuk, marul.


In this study four surface decontaminations were carried out on lettuce and raw chicken meat using dipping method with applying different solutions, disinfection effects of the solutions were investigated. For this purpose surface decontamination was carried out with trisodium phosphate (TSP), acetic acid, sodium acetate, sodium hypochloride (NaOCl), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and vinegar (apple and grape). Mesophilic aerobic bacteria (MAB) were counted after treatments. H2O2 5% was detected as the best disinfectant. Acetic acid, lactic  acid, sodium acetate, sodium lactate, EDTA,  NaOCl, TSP and H2O2 were used for chicken meat. Mesophilic aerobic bacteria (MAB) and coliform bacteria were counted after treatments. It is showed that the best disinfectants were H2O2 1%  and 2,5% for MAB and H2O2 2,5% for coliform bacteria. After the decontamination with AEW and NaOCl, no differentiation was detected statistically between the solutions for disinfectant effects for MAB on lettuce, but for coliforms, AEW (30 ppm) showed the best inhibitory effect. For providing food safety and reducing amount of microorganisms in foods it is important to use suitable disinfectants at suitable concentrations


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