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electric vehicles, finite element method, flux barrier, synchronous motorAbstract
In recent years, due to their superior features, interior permanent magnet (IPM) motors are often preferred in traction applications such as electric vehicles. The rotor geometry of an IPM motor significantly affects motor performance. To improve the electromagnetic performance of the IPM motor such as maximum torque per ampere (MTPA), efficiency, and the torque pulsations, rotor and its flux barriers geometry have to be optimized due to the difficult modeling dominated by magnetic saturation. Thus, this study is focused on the optimization of flux barriers by varying the rotor geometric parameters which have significant influences. Performance and the electromagnetic parameters of the motor are verified by using 3D-Finite Element Method. The proposed motor has the following parameters; 4-pole, 48V, 500W and 3000rpm.
Keywords: electric vehicles, finite element method, flux barrier, synchronous motor.
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