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Natural Disaster, Search and Rescue, The Participant Observer MethodAbstract
The natural disaster intervention experiences have shown that all national and/or international aid organizations could not work together effectively. The failures working together in international search and rescue operations conduced to found the unique organization under the UN (United Nations). INSARAG (International Search and Rescue Advisory Group) was established in 1991. In Africa-Europe-Middle East, America and Asia-Pacific regions, 57 countries and 81 organizations have contributed to the INSARAG accreditation process. The purpose of this study is to carry out a local institutional review related to INSARAG accreditation in Turkey using the Participant Observer Method. After getting the necessary permissions from AFAD (Disaster And Emergency Management Presidency), the person who carried out the study took part of INSARAG accreditation of Adana Civil Defense Search and Rescue Association. In addition, to get information from the local authorities was to join in presentation of the completed activities and the current activities. The findings are evaluated, it is concluded that the educated volunteers are the most important part of the search and rescue processes. Also, to emphasis on staff safety is given more than before.
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