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Healing Stones, Placebo Effect, The Self Completion Questionnaire Under Surveillance, SubjectAbstract
The last a few decades, stones known as healing have been produced artificially and, unlike the natural ones, continue to be marketed at very low prices. In order to strengthen the commercial market, many unscientific books, materials and applications are unconsciously offered to people. There are no quantitative scientific studies on the supposed positive effects of healing stones on humans. The number of qualitative studies is also very limited. Due to the short of the scientific studies, this area is occupied by non-scientific labors and persons. The Placebo Effect which is a positive effect of an ineffective drug, object or application depending on conviction. This study includes some trial survey applications to improve main questionnaire of a new project planning on the placebo effect of the healing stones and its narrow statistical results. The survey technique is preferred as The Self Completion Questionnaire Under Surveillance. In the statistical evaluation of the questions, the percentage is simply used. Consequently, the concept of the placebo effect is little known among people. However, expressing this concept understandable, the action of healing from stones is highly associated with the placebo effect by subjects.
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