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Koku, Göstergebilim, Duyu, Algılama.Abstract
The most primitive sensory organ of smell since our infancy is located in our memory. Like other senses, the sense of smell affects people's feelings, decisions and behaviors. Nowadays, the brands have realized the importance of the senses and have understood that it is necessary to address the senses of the consumers in order to be able to place them in the minds of the consumers and to influence the purchasing decisions. The purpose of this study is to reveal how odors are considered bad by the society and how the images in the advertisements are rendered. In this study, it has been tried to make sense how of bad odor is used in advertisements and bad odor is how removed by using the product offered in the advertisement. For this purpose, semiotic analysis method was applied for 5 ads from the category of cleaning products. In the advertised advertisements, the odors that were experienced and learned by the individuals and accepted as bad are discussed both visually and symbolically by the odor dimension. Odors such as fish, garlic, onions, raw meat, and garbage cans included in the advertisements are understood by means of indicators. As a result, advertisements were analyzed in semiotics.
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