The Power of Communication in Creating Awareness

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  • Engin ÇAĞLAK Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University/TURKEY



İletişim, Sosyal Sorumluk, Farkındalık, Sosyal Medya, Haber., Communication, Social Responsibility, Awareness, Social Media, News.


In the age of communication, information is bombarded, and every day small information is received. To create awareness among so much information pollution is seen as a serious issue. The good things for the future are lost among the masses of information. On the other hand, social orientation or perception operations are also used for misinformation purposes and covering up reality. On the other hand, social responsibility projects are carried out in many corners of the world to solve socio-economic problems. It is possible to increase the awareness of such projects to wider masses and areas and to use the communication channels correctly.

In this study, it is aimed to show how awareness is created by communication. The importance of the study is that these projects can be used more effectively and effectively with communication. Literature survey, field studies and questionnaire were conducted in the study. Evren was limited to Çanakkale and random sample was chosen.

As a result, it has been tried to reveal the power of communication in order for social responsibility projects to be effective and more effective and to raise awareness.


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URL 1: Erişim Tarihi: 18.7.2018
URL 2: Erişim Tarihi: 18.7.2018
URL 3: Erişim: 16.4.2018



How to Cite

ÇAĞLAK, E. (2018). The Power of Communication in Creating Awareness. JOURNAL OF AWARENESS, 3(Özel Sayı), 653–660.



Research Articles