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Social Media, Social Media Marketing, Social Media Users, Customer, InternetAbstract
There are 2.3 billion social media users in the world in 2017. This have caused that businesses to market their products through social media. Social media marketing can be described as promoting and promoting the reputation, awareness and reliability of the product, service, or brand of the business, with activities conducted directly in the online environment for consumers. Many businesses prefer social media because they are easier to reach consumers and cheaper than other vendors. On the other hand, who are the buyers of products from social media? What are their demographic characteristics? These questions have been answered in this research. In this descriptive study, primary data were used. The sample size of the research is the buyers of products through social media or not the buyers of products through social media. Attempts have been made to extract the profile of social media users using snowball sampling from non-random sampling methods. Using these results, it is possible to determine who will be marketing in social media.
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