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Paleogeography, GeoarchaeolgyAbstract
Gediz delta is one of the biggest coastal plain of Western Anatolia. The establishment and life of the ancient city of Panaztepe in Delta is closely related to the stages of delta development. In the Holocene, the sea and shoreline changes have controlled the development of the Gediz delta where Panaztepe is located. In order to be able to explain these developments and to reveal the paleogeographical features, a total of 15 drills were carried out in delta lava between 1990-2002 and 3 in this study in the summer of 2017. In particular, our recent studies have focused on the determination of the paleogeography-geoarchaeological features of Panaztepe ancient city and its surroundings. The question of whether Panaztepe is an island settlement and whether there is actually a harbor in front of the remains of the Harbor City has become important. Important paleogeographical data has been reached in this study which is made for the answer of them, giving hope to find Panaztepe's ancient harbor.
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