Keramion, Frechen ceramics, Bartmannkrug, salt glazed ceramicsAbstract
According to the findings in Hacılar, our ceramic past in Anatolia dates back to six thousand
years.It is possible to see the Anatolian - based ceramics in the collections of the museums that are
famous all over the world. In Western countries, the production of ceramics goes back much later
periods. Nevertheless, today, there are ceramic museums with a rich collection of traditional and
contemporary works even in local production centers.
In this study, the Ceramic Museum KERAMION and Germany's traditional Frechen ceramics
have been introduced as an example. From this point of view; we have aimed to raise awareness about
the creation of our contemporary ceramic collections in which our rich ceramic heritage is preserved
and the international works of art are also included. The museum and the works exhibited in museum
have been examined on the point, and the information on the subject has been supported through the
written articles, catalogs and internet resources.
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