Examining the relationship between addiction and jealousy in romantic relationships: An evaluation in terms of behavioral jealousy


Romantic relationship, Addiction, Jealousy, Behavioral jealosyAbstract
Addiction in romantic relationships, which is a chronic problem that harms oneself, one’s partner, and the relationship, refers to the partner’s desire for excessive closeness determined by the intense need for the other. It is known that such dependent relationships are related to jealousy, as there are factors such as lack of selfconfidence, low self-esteem and internal insecurity. The aim of this study is to examine the cognitive, emotional and behavioral dimensions of addiction and jealousy in relationships. It was aimed to evaluate the behavioral dimension of jealousy in terms of partner violence. The study was started after receiving ethics committee approval numbered 2024/03 dated 07.03.2024 from Istanbul Aydın University Social and Humanities Ethics Commission. It was conducted with 334 female and 183 male volunteer participants reached by convenience sampling. The measurement tools used in the study are the Sociodemographic Data Form, the Addiction in Romantic Relationships Scale and the Multidimensional Jealousy Scale. Pearson Correlation analysis, Multiple Linear Regression Analysis and Independent Groups T Test were performed using SPSS Edition (31-Dec-2037). In line with the study findings, it was determined that addiction in romantic relationships was associated with all dimensions of jealousy, but with behavioral jealousy at the highest level. The results of the study reveal that perceptions of inadequacy of personal resources, such as insufficient education and economic level, can increase the feeling of jealousy. However, it appears that increased addiction indicators such as obsession and dedication towards the partner are determined by the behavioral aspect of jealousy. Therefore, the study results indicate that in order to protect both partners in a romantic relationship, it may be useful to focus on what they do with this feeling rather than their feelings of jealousy. Based on this, it can be stated that strengthening individual resources should be preferred to direct interventions against the feeling of jealousy.
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