The role of industrial design in Turkish medical device design processes within the scope of innovation networks

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Industrial Design, Medical Device Design Process, Turkish Medical Device Ecosystem, Innovation Models


This study aims to examine the medical device design process in which interdisciplinary interaction is intense within the framework of innovative network structures. It is the first study to examine the role of industrial design in design processes in the domestic medical device industry through network structures that support innovation. This research was conducted to analyse the relationship between R&D and design activities in the domestic medical device industry and innovation, the use of external resources in design processes and the collaborations made. All these activities aim to highlight the relationships between stakeholders, government policies and important elements in the health ecosystem.

The study includes a two-stage field study in line with the conceptual framework. The first phase is referred to as fieldwork and includes interviews with 57 domestic medical device manufacturers and seven sector-specific stakeholders. This field study includes providing information about the processes and collaborations of domestic medical device manufacturers, following their developments and conducting periodic interviews. This information formed the basis of the second phase of case studies. Case analyses of 8 domestic medical device design processes identified within the scope of the study were included. The research findings showed that localisation and current medical device processes are P&D oriented, competition-oriented partnerships are increasing, traditional user research methods and industrial design activities are used more and outsourced in innovative network structures.

The results of the study reveal that the inclusion of industrial design in innovation network structures has a positive impact on innovation outputs. In addition, it has been revealed that there are deficiencies in multidisciplinary working culture, innovation activities of companies that cooperate on a global scale are more and project-oriented strategies should be determined.


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How to Cite

Özyurt, E. M., & Erda, İsmail S. (2024). The role of industrial design in Turkish medical device design processes within the scope of innovation networks. JOURNAL OF AWARENESS, 9(2), 215–236.



Research Articles