An analysis of armed conflicts: Global trends

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Armed Conflicts, Intra-State Conflicts, Inter-State Conflicts, Global Conflicts, UCDP


The aim of the study is to comparatively consider the course of armed conflicts from 1946 to 2021 at the global/ regional level The concept of Armed conflicts, which categorizes conflicts in which both sides resort to the use of force, is discussed in the article within the scope of intra state, inter-state and global conflicts. The study aims to make a comparison and evaluation based on global/regional data without including an explanation of the causes of conflicts. The data of these conflicts were categorized by the author of the article using the Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP) data on armed conflicts, and interpreted by turning them into graphs by subject.


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How to Cite

Selcuk, H. M. (2024). An analysis of armed conflicts: Global trends. JOURNAL OF AWARENESS, 9(1), 159–182.



Research Articles