Cyber obsessive obsession: A study in nurses department

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Cyber obsessive stalking, Stalking, Cyber violence


Cyber obsessive stalking is a form of cyber violence that comprises a variety of unfavorable behavior patterns and is thought to be an extension of classic persistent stalking in online settings. Research shows that healthcare professionals are vulnerable to cyber-obsessive harassment due to the negative perception that patients are not satisfied with the service they receive and that their treatment processes are inadequately managed. The purpose of this study is to identify the experiences public and private sector nurses have had with cyber-obsessive stalking.

In this cross-sectional study, 165 nurses who work in both the public and commercial sectors make up the study group. Data collecting techniques were the Personal Information Form and the Cyber Obsessive Stalking Scale. The scale, which asks how often cyber-obsessive stalking behaviors have been encountered, has 15 items and includes excessive closeness, threat, and transference components. A statistical package application was used to examine the data that were gathered online.

According to the data of the analysis, 72.7% of the participants had at least one experience with cyber obsessive stalker behavior. While exposure to influence-oriented messages was the most frequent conduct, with a rate of 61.2%, exposure to auto, home, and office listening behavior was the least common cyber obsessive stalking behavior. The extreme closeness component of the scale had the highest mean score, while transference was the most prevalent activity.

Healthcare professionals face risks such as patient dissatisfaction with the care they receive, societal perceptions of poorly managed treatment processes, and, in some cases, the possibility of patients engaging in cyber-obsessive tracking for emotional and/or sexual reasons. The results of this study show that cyber obsessive stalking behaviors are observed among the nurses participating in the study.


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How to Cite

Demir, F. (2024). Cyber obsessive obsession: A study in nurses department. JOURNAL OF AWARENESS, 9(Special Issue/Özel Sayı), 79–90.



Research Articles