Cyber dating violence- a case report

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Cyber dating, violence, child abuse


Purpose: Cyber dating violence includes both the state of the victim to be harmed by threats, the dissemination of confidential information under the name of cyber violence, and the harassment of controlling the social relations of the victims, called cyber control, by constantly checking what they are doing on social media at any time. In the face of this type of violence that goes beyond spatial and geographical boundaries, the well-being of the victims is adversely affected because they consider the situation to be unresolved.

Method: In this case report, a 13-year-old girl who has been exposed to cyber dating violence will be mentioned.

Findings: After 3 months of virtual friendship with a 17-year-old man, whom this adolescent met on the computer games, she started to send him nude photos, they had virtual sex during the video call, the man guided her and offered to be a husband and wife with her during virtuel sex. It has been learned that she inserted a pen in front of the screen through his genitals and it hurt a lot. In the following days, they communicated to meet outside, the boy persuaded the teenage girl to take her home to introduce her to his family. The girl's family who followed them on their suspicions intervened in the situation, it became clear that they were faced with  gang members. It has been revealed that throughout the time they communicated, the gang has collected a lot of data about the family’s income level over the internet and social media and asked the girl’s family for money through blackmail.

In conclusion; with the legal complaint of the family, the gang members received legal punishment  and  the adolescent girl was taken to psychiatric treatment with the diagnosis of “post-traumatic stress disorder”.


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How to Cite

Güvendeğer Doksat, N. (2024). Cyber dating violence- a case report. JOURNAL OF AWARENESS, 9(Special Issue/Özel Sayı), 1–6.



Research Articles