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ceramics, history of ceramics, ceramic materials, bioceramicsAbstract
The main material of Ceramics, the discovery of which dates back to 10 thousands years, is the clay. In the past civilizations, ceramics which have as many diverse usage fields as from religious idols to architectural elements, from kitchen and ornament items to communication tablets, from oil lamps to the pottery vessels where the ashes of the dead are stored are objects that shed light on the period where it belongs and social and cultural life of civilization.
Ceramic being used continuously now replaces the broken bones. Ceramic is used in the production of brakes, spark plug, in air, space and rail vehicles, in computer and machinery manufacturing, in electrical transmission systems, in production technologies, in household appliances such as cookers and irons, in electric and electronic goods, and in the production of health materials, floor and wall covering materials, tableware items and works of art.
In this work, the general usage areas of the ceramics produced since the day of its discovery to meet human needs have been mentioned. In terms of creating awareness about ceramic materials, remarkable usage areas are supported with visual examples.
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