Knowledge level of healthcare professionals working in radiology regarding radiation protection (private hospital sample)

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Radiation Protection, Health Workers, Health Workers’ Health, Level of Knowledge, Private Hospital


In this study, it was aimed to determine the level of knowledge of healthcare professionals working in the radiology department about radiation protection. The study was conducted between 01 July 2023 and 01 August 2023 with 50 healthcare workers working in the radiology department of hospitals affiliated with a private hospital group. The study is a descriptive cross-sectional study. Data were collected with questionnaire questions and radiation protection knowledge scale of healthcare workers. Data analysis and descriptive statistics were performed by T-test and ANOVA test. When the demographic distribution of the participants was evaluated; 46% were female, 40% were 30 years old or younger, 70% were pre-degree graduates and 84% were radiation technicians. When the mean scores of the sub-dimensions of the questionnaire were evaluated, it was found that individuals aged 30-40 years had lower levels of radiation protection knowledge in the sub dimensions and throughout the scale compared to the groups under 30 years and over 40 years. Based on the findings of the study, it is recommended to update and publish the trainings related to radiation safety in both health institutions and vocational education and training institutions.


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How to Cite

İncedere, L. (2023). Knowledge level of healthcare professionals working in radiology regarding radiation protection (private hospital sample). JOURNAL OF AWARENESS, 8(4), 513–523.



Research Articles