Innovation efforts in the supply of health services after the Health Transformation Program in Türkiye

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innovation, Healthcare, Supply, Türkiye, Health Transformation Program


Health innovation is defined as innovations and improvements in health policies, health system, health products and services, health technologies and service delivery methods in order to improve people’s health. The emphasis on innovation in healthcare has been increasing in recent years due to challenges such as rising costs and an aging population. Innovation, which is of vital importance for the health sector, becomes one of the main determinants of social welfare and quality of life with the innovations and advances it brings. Innovative products and services increase the possibilities of early diagnosis and treatment, thus preventing future costs. In this way, alternative solution options can be created for the benefit of the patient, with the increase efficiency of the health system in the long term. In addition, positive externalities can be provided to many health related sectors. With innovation, it is possible to produce cheap and accessible solutions by using advanced technologies in health services where resources are very limited.
In this study, it is aimed to draw a conceptual framework on innovation and health innovation and to explain the innovations in health service supply within the framework of the Health Transformation Program put into practice in 2003. In recent years, significant changes have been made in the Turkish health system, especially in the financing, presentation and organization of the service within the scope of health innovation. Although significant progress has been made in the health system with the impact of these changes, there is still some work to be done. As a result of the study, what has been done has been evaluated and recommendations and suggestions have been made about what should be done.


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Author Biography

Özge Uysal Şahin, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University / Türkiye

Assoc. Prof. Dr.



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How to Cite

Özgen, G., & Uysal Şahin, Özge. (2023). Innovation efforts in the supply of health services after the Health Transformation Program in Türkiye. JOURNAL OF AWARENESS, 8(3), 305–320.



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