Application of clustering methods and data visualization for decision making in higher education

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Machine Learning, Higher Education, Clustering Methods, Data Visualization


This paper aims to present a case study to demonstrate the practical application of data visualization techniques and machine learning algorithms. Examining the data using various algorithms enables us to make predictions about how data visualization affects decision-making. Our study’s results support the notion that data visualization influences decision-making. Moreover, we delve into the implications of employing data visualization technology in the academic community, including faculty and students. Furthermore, we evaluate how data visualization influences decision making in higher education institutions, showcasing its potential to enhance the efficiency and speed of decision-making for stakeholders.


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How to Cite

Llaha, O., Aliu, A., & Kadena, E. (2023). Application of clustering methods and data visualization for decision making in higher education. JOURNAL OF AWARENESS, 8(3), 297–303.



Research Articles