Adolescent pregnancy in terms of adolescent rights: A retrospective study on adolescent giving births between 2015-2022 in a metropolitan hospital in Türkiye

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Adolescent, Adolescent pregnancy, Adolescent mother, Child mother, Adolescent Rights


Aim: Adolescent pregnancy refers to a pregnancy in a female who is younger than 19 year of age. Adolescent pregnancy can have a number of negative consequences for both the mother and the child, including increased risk of health complications, poor educational and economic outcomes, and social and emotional challenges. This study aims to provide regional data on the prevalence of adolescent pregnancy in Türkiye and to propose solutions to this problem
Methodolody: Pregnancies under the age of 19 which resulted in births gave birth in a public hospital that provides birth-specific service in one of the metropolitan areas within the borders of the Republic of Türkiye between 2015-2022 were retrospectively analysed. Detected pregnancies have been evaluated and analysed according to criteria such as age, nationality, and week of birth.
Results: In the sample subject to the research, between the years 2015-2022; 3174 adolescents under the age of 19 gave birth. Of these, 54% (N:1718) are Turkish nationals, 45% (N:1431) are Syrian nationals, and the remaining 1% (N:25) are other nationals. The average birth week is 36 weeks. The number of stillbirths is 88, of which 57% (N:50) are Syrian nationals and 42% (N:37) are Turkish nationals. While the number of adolescent pregnancies resulted in birth was 601 in 2015, it increased to 714 in 2016; It decreased to 157 in 2021.
Conclusion: Adolescent pregnancy is a significant problem in Türkiye and also common among Syrian refugees. Adolescent pregnancy can have a variety of negative consequences, including health risks for the mother and the baby, as well as social and economic challenges. They are less likely to complete their education, be employed, earn higher wages, and be happily married; they are more likely to have larger families and live in poverty. It is necessary to conduct training programs and adopt decisive strategies. These actions are the most fundamental key to protect the human rights of adolescents.


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How to Cite

Reva, Z., Karakuş Yılmaz, B., & Satılmış, D. (2023). Adolescent pregnancy in terms of adolescent rights: A retrospective study on adolescent giving births between 2015-2022 in a metropolitan hospital in Türkiye. JOURNAL OF AWARENESS, 8(2), 115–122.



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