The Higgs Boson of the Communication World: New media

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New media, HiggsBoson, metaverse


The most comprehensive research questioning how matter gains mass is the CERN experiments. When the particle
called the Higgs boson, accepted as the essence of “everything”, was found, it revolutionized the world of physics and won the Nobel Prize for its inventors. The echo of innovations in the communication world is at least as loud as the Higgs Boson. The “metaverse”, which has become popular in recent years and means beyond the universe, and new media technologies that make it reasonable, have an important place in the management of the masses and the acceleration of cultural changes. The aim of this study is to deal with the changes in human life with new media in the world called metaverse with an argumentative study.


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How to Cite

Özsevim Çelenk, A. (2023). The Higgs Boson of the Communication World: New media. JOURNAL OF AWARENESS, 8(1), 63–68.



Research Articles