The use of textures as a visual design element in cut-out illustrations

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Cut-outillustration, Visual Texture, Children’s Book Illustration


As digital media changes and evolves with technology, it has become an indispensable part of human life, offering various opportunities in terms of design and illustration. It is up to the illustrator’s creative imagination to use these opportunities to the best of their ability because while opportunities may change, the only constant is creativity. With the use of more and more digital software and tools, visual arts are now appearing in digital media. In this context, the research aimed to consider texture as a design element in digital illustration rather than just using painting tools in the software. The contribution of texture to design as a visual texture through the cut-out technique was examined.


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How to Cite

Akbaharer Arslan, İrem. (2023). The use of textures as a visual design element in cut-out illustrations . JOURNAL OF AWARENESS, 8(1), 25–30.



Research Articles