Socioeconomic reasons for the return of retired individuals to their working lives in Türkiye

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Senior workforce, aging workforce, pension, qualitative research


Due to longer life expectancies and lower fertility rates, many different countries face the financial and psychological concerns and limited demand of workforce problems due to having an aging population. The desire of older individuals to continue their working life after retirement is seen as an important way to combat these difficulties. In recent years, organizations have begun to realize that it is necessary to adjust workplace practices to be more inclusive in order for retired individuals to continue their working lives. However, there are relatively few empirical studies investigating the effects on older people’s intention to rework after retirement. The findings of the few empirical studies in the literature lead to determining which factors are effective in encouraging retirees to continue working. The aim of this research is to determine what factors affect the decisions of indefinite participation in the labor force of elderly individuals who return to occupational life. The sample of this research consists of participants who are living in the cities of Istanbul, Sakarya and Kocaeli and continuing to work after retirement. It is aimed to reach empirical findings by evaluating the collected data with descriptive and content analysis. With this research, effective results were obtained through sub-themes titled “perceptions related to career/age relationship”, “loss of income/purchasing power”, “social status/reputation” and “personal physical and mental health”. It is expected that the obtained results will contribute to improvements in the relevant labor law and Social Security Institution (SGK) legislation.


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How to Cite

Çakan, S., & Gök, B. (2022). Socioeconomic reasons for the return of retired individuals to their working lives in Türkiye. JOURNAL OF AWARENESS, 7(3), 97–110.



Research Articles