Examination of Turkey based publications in covid-19 researches with social network analysis

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Covid-19, Social Network Analysis, Pandemic


The Covid-19 outbreak, which started in December 2019 in Wuhan, Hubei province of China, spread all over the world in a short time and was declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020. The Covid-19 outbreak, which caused millions of people to become infected and die from all over the world, has been the subject of many studies in many areas in the world and in our country. In this study, the aim is to examine the contributions of Turkish researchers to researches on Covid-19. In this study, the research carried out over a two-year period was examined as a result of a search using terms related to Covid-19 through the 'Web of Science' database. Publications obtained; year-based frequency, type of publication, published journal, purpose, method, study areas of the researchers, institutions and countries were analyzed. It was also determined in which field the researchers signed the most. At the same time, the network structure between people and institutions working in the specified field was searched by Social Network Analysis. Social Network Analysis has become one of the most frequently used analysis as a mapping technique in bibliometric studies in recent years. The use of social network analysis for this purpose allows to reveal the productive actors and their relationships that stand out in the subject being searched. As a result of the analysis, it can be said that there are collaborations between small groups among the authors. When the network structure between institutions is analyzed, it has been determined that the cooperation between the institutions comes to the fore and the institutions play a more bridging role. It is important to continue cooperation between authors, to share the findings obtained in the pandemic process, to study them and to provide resources for making the necessary arrangements. In the study, key words and abstracts were examined and the main topics and analysis techniques were determined. It is thought that the findings obtained will be a guide in many respects to the studies to be published in the future by revealing the current situation.


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How to Cite

Yurtsever, E., & Ergüt, Özlem. (2021). Examination of Turkey based publications in covid-19 researches with social network analysis. JOURNAL OF AWARENESS, 6(4), 213–221. https://doi.org/10.26809/joa.6.4.03



Research Articles