

Housing preference, Housing space, Structural Equation Modeling, ErzincanAbstract
Many factors affect the housing demand of individuals. The distance of the place where the residence is built to the workplace, service areas and city center is the most important reason for preference. Again, the physical and social environment of the house, the usage area and architectural features of the house are among the most important factors considered in the selection of the house. This study investigated the factors related to the place that are effective in the housing selection and choice of individuals residing in Erzincan city center. Horizontal cut data obtained from 383 surveys conducted in 2018 with individuals residing in Erzincan city center were analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling. In the study, it was determined that there is a high level positive relationship between the housing choice and preference of individuals and the place where the house is built. The model results show that proximity to basic needs has a high positive effect (= 0.97; t = 10.94) on housing preference. Moreover, proximity to secondary needs has also been found to have a positive and high effect (= 0.93; t = 11.63) on home preference. Again, on the choice of housing, social environment neighborhood (= 0.74; t = 11.63), outdoor and positive externalities (γ = 0.81; t = 10.34), comfort and interior space width (= 0.77; t = 14.65) are positively oriented and It has been found to have a high effect.
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