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Rape Drugs, Cinema, Drugs That Facilitate Sexual AssaultAbstract
Internet Movie Database (IMDb) is an online database that contains information about movies, TV series, internet contents and has 83 million registered users. Ready-made keywords are used to categorize films according to their subjects and to make it easier to reach the movies that are sought after. One of these ready-made keywords is "Date rape drug". It is seen that it is the subject of many films such as horror, thriller, drama, and comedy. The use of drugs in movies about rape has led to the need to put forward the question of what these drugs are and their role in the story pattern.
For this purpose, 52 films obtained by selecting the ready-made keyword "date report durg" in IMDb database were examined. Four of these 52 films with the highest IMDb score in their genre were included in the study. In terms of Turkish cinema, İffet and Kayıp Kızlar were analyzed.
In this study, the properties and effects of drugs that facilitate sexual assault are compiled, and how sexual violence is depicted, the representation of the female figure, its role in the films are examined.
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