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Public personnels, Public Personnel System, University Students, Public Institution, Gediz Vocational SchoolAbstract
There is a direct relationship between the problems of Turkish Public Administration and public personnels and public personnel system. Despite various critical approaches towards public personnels, there is a widespread tendency among young people to become public personnel. In this context, it is important to determine the personnel system and their approaches to becoming public personnel. For these purposes, survey questions were directed to the students of Gediz Vocational School. The questionnaire consists of including multiple choice, list, category and ranking question types. The data obtained were evaluated with the SPSS 20.0 program. Descriptive statistical methods were used to evaluate the data. In the study, it was concluded that the students mostly have positive opinions about public personnel and public personnel system. In addition, the high rate of undecided students is also noteworthy. Finally, it was understood that students' tendency to become public personnel is quite high. thoughts and evaluations of university students on public personnels and public personnel system. This study aims to determine the thoughts and evaluations of university students about the public personnels and the public.
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