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Public Private Partnership, Credit and Hostels Institution, Canakkale.


The Public Private Partnership model has many benefits such as reduction cost arising from public investments, ensure to comfort of the private sector in the public service, effective distribution risk, and to prevent postponement or inability of construction works of state goods and services due to insufficient budget. In this study, the situation in the Credit and Hostels Institution which is rented with Public Private Partnership model is examined and in this research interview technique as a qualitative research method was used. The participants of the study are the managers of the Credit and Hostels Institution in Canakkale province. As a result of the interviews conducted with the managers, it was aimed to reveal characteristics, qualities, effects, positive and negative aspects of the rented dormitories with the Public Private Partnership model in the literature the lack of a specific study on the use of Public Private Partnership model in the construction of dormitories. Hence increases the importance of the study.

Keywords            : Public Private Partnership, Credit and Hostels Institution, Canakkale.

JEL Codes          : H20, H52.


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