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  • Yalçın ALGANER Marmara University/TURKEY
  • Çağlar YILMAZ Student at Marmara University/TURKEY




The Peace of Westphalia, World Wars, Cold War, European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC)


The European Union (EU) for more than half a century, in addition to being the fundamental motivation for the establishment of the environment of peace and tranquility, is a milestone in the history of the continent. Even though the events experienced in the early period is a factor in the formation of EU, with the support of the idea of Unity with concrete steps, the Community has set all developments in Europe and increasingly expanded its sovereign base area on the continent. In fact, according to some authorities, not only Europe, but even granting the present format of the global system, the EU has an important role to play. In other words, it is a superior and active Community which play a role in, not only their own destiny, also in the fate of other major continents since the day it emerged. The important issue here is to determine how the future of the EU, which today shows the distinction of being the only supranational institution and embodies all models of integration, will be shaped. It is almost impossible to answer this question easily and precisely, which hosts many unknowns. However, we believe that certain assumptions and assessments can be improved from the knowledge, experiences and working models within the context of expectations, possibilities and top goals for the future. For this purpose, it is necessary to examine the stages of the historical and chronological process and development of EU that reach today. At the idea stage, the basic and robust economic, monetary and political phenomena obtained as a result of very long, versatile and sensitive negotiaitions, discussions and even profound bargains, today have been very important building blocks in ensuring the EU acquis and the success of unity. After each stopping point of integration, EU has been able to gather strength and carry on the path due to these cornerstones, in other words these that is owed to a sense of strong genes. Besides the aforementioned solid foundation and legal infrastructure, thanks to rapid change, collective action, participatory politics, consciousness, knowledge, technology and initiative skills, EU has always had a dynamic and contemporary structure. In this way, since its inception, despite the encounter with various difficulties, the obstacles, blockages and even disintegration, EU still seems to be able to handle the system and could even move itself to the future with a different equation. 


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How to Cite

ALGANER, Y., & YILMAZ, Çağlar. (2016). UNION AND INTEGRATION MOVEMENTS IN EUROPE. JOURNAL OF LIFE ECONOMICS, 3(1), 93–114. https://doi.org/10.15637/jlecon.113



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