Industry 4.0, Smart Factories, İoTsAbstract
The effect of technological developments, İoTs and Cyber-Physical Systems are begun to use at manufacturing. This alteration led to the start of the revolution Industry 4.0. (Wang and Zhou, 2015). In other words, the main elements of Industry 4.0 are İoTs and Cyber-Physical Systems. The smart factory is born with the integration of these applications (Bartodziej, 2017:35).
The smart factory is called aU-Factory (ubiquitous factory), a factory-of-things, a real-time factory, or an intelligent factory of the future also. Like it’s name, there is no consensus about a clear definition of the smart factory. Combinations of the definitions there occurs a definition as "a factory system which is combining ubiquitous computing technology as autonomous, sustainable and reconfigurable production, by using software, hardware with networked; to solve problems dynamic, agile and flexible style (Radziwona etc,2014:1185-1188).
The aim of the study, to explain what the smart factory concept is and how useful it is. Therefore, many international studies are sought to clarify the core of smart factories.
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