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  • Muharto LAODE Business and Economy Faculty University of Samratulangi Manado/INDONESIA



Sustainable Competitive Advantage, Strategy, Tourism Sector, Ternate


This study aims to analyze the competitiveness of tourism sector in Ternate using three units of analysis, namely the sustainability of competitiveness, the determinant of competition strength and the formulation of sustainable competitive advantage strategy. Secondary data were collected through documentation, such as APBD data, infrastructure conditions, tourism objects, labor, industry of accommodation provider, and tourist numbers. Primary data were collected through interview to 159 respondents. The analysis  and strategy formulation used combination of VRIOL, SFM and SWOT. This study found that the tourism sector in Ternate was in a competitive advantage position, but not sustained because its tourism resources did not have uniqueness and could be imitated by competitors. Factors determining tourism competition were the role of government, new areas that were beginning to develop the tourism sector, new tourist spot and tour operators. The strategies that could maintain the sustainability of tourism competitiveness in Ternate are differentiation, inovation, partnership, promotion and marketing system, service quality, and empowering.


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