Organizational resilience of the Türkiye health system in the COVID-19 pandemic

Organizational Resilience, COVID-19, Türkiye, Health System, PolicyAbstract
The purpose of this research is to evaluate some basic features of the Turkish Health System and its responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in the context of organizational resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the research, the document analysis method, one of the qualitative research methods, was used. Between December 2019, when the first case was seen in China, and June 2020, when the new normalization process started in Turkey, news about COVID-19 was used as a data source. MAXQDA 2020 and Microsoft Excel programs were used in the analysis and visualization of the data. As a result of scanning the keywords “COVID-19” and “Türkiye” from news websites, 137 practices related to COVID-19 were identified. When the practices related to COVID-19 are examined according to organizational resilience dimensions; It is seen that 59.1% of the practices are in the Awareness dimension and 40.9% are in the Adaptive Capacity dimension. In the awareness dimension (n:81), the least practice (n:1) is in the Clarity of Roles and Responsibilities, and the most practice (n:60) is in the sub-dimension of Alertness to the organization’s Health. In the Adaptive Capacity dimension (n:56), the least practice (n:3) is in the Leadership sub-dimension, while the most practice (n:25) is in Organizational Analytical Capabilities sub-dimension. Türkiye’s health system in the COVID-19 pandemic; It is thought to be responsive in the dimension of Awareness and can be developed in the dimension of Adaptive Capacity. In order to improve the organizational resilience of the Türkiye health system; There is a need for more practice in the Clarity of Roles and Responsibilities and Leadership sub-dimensions. It is important to adopt a holistic state approach to strengthening the organizational resilience of the Türkiye health system.
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