Determinants of altruistic behaviors in organizations: An evaluation in terms of self-efficacy and job satisfaction

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Self-Efficacy, Job Satisfaction, Altruism, Aviation Sector


Employees’ attitudes, which reflect their general disposition toward the organization and its mission, have a profound impact on their performance and thus on overall organizational performance. The development of positive attitudes is essential for fostering an environment conducive to increasing productivity and organizational success. In particular, the dominance of altruism, which is defined as the moral and ideological tendency to sacrifice oneself for the good of others regardless of self-interest, in the organizational culture will make significant contributions to both employees and the organization. In this context, determining the altruistic behaviors of employees can be shown as one of the important issues of organizational management. Based on the aforementioned importance of altruism, this study aims to determine the effect of employees’ self-efficacy and job satisfaction levels on their altruistic behaviors within the organization. The survey data collected in the study, which included 387 employees of a company providing ground handling services in the aviation sector throughout Turkey, were analyzed with SPSS. Descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analyses were used for the analysis. The results of the study revealed that employees’ self-efficacy and job satisfaction levels increase their altruistic behaviors within the organization.


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How to Cite

Dikili, E. (2023). Determinants of altruistic behaviors in organizations: An evaluation in terms of self-efficacy and job satisfaction. JOURNAL OF LIFE ECONOMICS, 10(4), 329–340.



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