Role of women in today’s society and the inequality in genders

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Role of Women, Gender Inequality, Sexual Harassment, Growth Opportunities, Female Leadership


The main method used was a survey which around 350 working women from multiple countries including Pakistan, Turkey, and Lebanon responded to, regarding different aspects of their professional ideologies and observations. Extensive secondary research was employed to explore the issues of role of women in society, sexual harassment faced by women in their homes and workplaces, and the magnitude of gender inequality in developing versus developed countries. The main findings concluded that gender inequality is a long-standing hurdle in the path of women. It exists at all levels in the society and is not limited to a single culture or country. The gender inequality is not the only barrier faced by women in their journeys; however, it may pave way for other obstacles like sexual harassment. The measures presently taken to combat the negative impacts of gender inequality on women are inadequate and require more thought and better implementation for them to prove fruitful in eradicating the issue.


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How to Cite

Masood, R. (2023). Role of women in today’s society and the inequality in genders. JOURNAL OF LIFE ECONOMICS, 10(4), 273–284.



Research Articles